

Zetbox knows four kinds of Types, all derived from DataType:

ObjectClass Type for Zetbox Object Classes
Interface Type for Zetbox Interfaces
Enumeration Type for Zetbox Enumerations
CompoundObject Type for Zetbox Object Classes


This is the abstract base class for all Zetbox Types. It provides the necessary infrastructure to describe a Type.

public interface DataType
    string Name; 
    string Description;

    IList<Property> Properties; 
    ICollection<Method> Methods;

    Icon DefaultIcon; 
    ICollection<InstanceConstraint> Constraints;
Name The name of the DataType. Note that this name has to be a valid C# name. A Constraint protects this.
Description Each Type should have a description. This description is used for documentation purposes.
Properties Each Type can have Properties (except Enumeration)
Methods Each Type can have Methods (except Enumeration)
DefaultIcon Each DataType can have a default icon
Constraints A Constraint checks the validity of an instance. If any constraint throws an error nothing will be committed.


ObjectClass is the defining class for Zetbox Objects.

public interface ObjectClass : DataType
    ObjectClass BaseObjectClass; 
    ICollection<Interface> ImplementsInterfaces;

    string TableName;

    bool IsAbstract; 
    bool IsFrozenObject; 
    bool IsSimpleObject;

    ViewModelDescriptor DefaultViewModelDescriptor; 
    ControlKind RequestedKind;

    ICollection<AccessControl> AccessControlList;
IsAbstract The ObjectClass is marked as abstract
IsSimpleObject The ObjectClass is marked as a simple, non complex object. Set it to true for all classes that have no inheritance and less enough and simple properties to edit them in grids and/or lists. This will prevent all list view models from opening such an object directly. Also the ObjectBrowser will not provide any interface.


A Relation defines the relationship between two Objects. Every Object can have zero or more Relations.

An example of a Relation is the relation between Project and Tasks. One Project can have zero or more Tasks. One Tasks must have a Project.

Modeling a relation

A Relation can be defined by creating an object of type Relation and two RelationEnd objects. This can be done by

RelationEnd objects will be created automatically.

Relations are edited in the Relation Editor. The Relation Editor is a custom FullObjectView created by us.

Attributes of a relation

A Relation has these attributes:

Description A text property used to describe the current relation
Module The Module which is introducing the current relation
Storage The StorageType of the current relation
Verb A verb used to name the current relation. The verb is used in conjunction with the role names of the RelationEnd objects to model a unique relation name. This relation name will be used e.g. for the database FK Contraint name.
A The RelationEnd A of the current relation
B The RelationEnd B of the current relation

A RelationEnd has these attributes:

AParent Relation object if this RelationEnd is the A-Side of the current relation. Otherwise NULL
BParent Relation object if this RelationEnd is the B-Side of the current relation. Otherwise NULL
HasPersistentOrder Specifies that the list is ordered. Applies only to lists
Multiplicity The Multiplicity of the current RelationEnd
Navigator An optional Navigator
RoleName Name of the role of the current RelationEnd
Type ObjectClass to which the current RelationEnd points

There are four StorageTypes defined:

MergeIntoA The relation information is stored with the A-side database table
MergeIntoB The relation information is stored with the B-side database table
Replicate The relation information is stored on both sides of the relations database tables
Separate The relation information is stored in a separate database table

There are three Multiplicities defined:

ZeroOrOne Optional Element (zero or one)
One Required Element (exactly one)
ZeroOrMore Optional List Element (zero or more)

1:n Relation

A Project can have zero or more Tasks. A Task may have one Project.

The Relation object would be:

Storage = MergeIntoB
Verb = has

The RelationEnd A object would be:

AParent = Relation
BParent = NULL
HasPersistentOrder = false
Multiplicity = ZeroOrOne. If a Task must have a Project then One.
Navigator = Navigator to Tasks. The result would be a collection of Tasks (ICollection<Task>)
RoleName = Project
Type = Task instance of type ObjectClass

The RelationEnd B object would be:

AParent = NULL
BParent = Relation
HasPersistentOrder = false
Multiplicity = ZeroOrMore
Navigator = Navigator to the parent Project. The result would be a reference to a Project
RoleName = Tasks
Type = Project instance of type ObjectClass

n:m Relation

A Project can have zero or more ProjectMembers. A ProjectMember can be assinged to zero or more Projects.

The Relation object would be:

Storage = Seperate
Verb = has

The RelationEnd A object would be:

AParent = Relation
BParent = NULL
HasPersistentOrder = true
Multiplicity = ZeroOrMore.
Navigator = = Navigator to Persons. The result would be a list of Persons (IList<Person>)
RoleName = Projects
Type = Person instance of type ObjectClass

The RelationEnd B object would be:

AParent = NULL
BParent = Relation
HasPersistentOrder = true
Multiplicity = ZeroOrMore
Navigator = = Navigator to the assigned Projects. The result would be a list of Projects (IList<Project>)
RoleName = Member
Type = Project instance of type ObjectClass

1:1 Relation

A Relation must have a RelationEnd A. A RelationEnd may have a AParent Relation if it’s a A ReleationEnd.

The Relation object would be:

Storage = MergeIntoA
Verb = hasA

The RelationEnd A object would be:

AParent = Relation
BParent = NULL
HasPersistentOrder = false
Multiplicity = ZeroOrOne
Navigator = = Navigator to RelationEnd. The result would be a reference to a RelationEnd
RoleName = Relation
Type = RelationEnd instance of type ObjectClass

The RelationEnd B object would be:

AParent = NULL
BParent = Relation
HasPersistentOrder = true
Multiplicity = One
Navigator = = Navigator to the assigned Relation. The result would be a reference to a Relation
RoleName = A
Type = Relation instance of type ObjectClass


public interface Property 
    string Name;
    bool EditableInGrid;
Editable in Grid This is an override for the inline editing behaviour for grid and list controls. The default behaviour is to evaluate if the referenced ObjectClass is a simple object or not.